Strawbs index |
Chiswick 29/8/98 |
Banbury 28/5/99 |
Exeter 20/4/01 |
Derby 8/2/02 |
Wythall 14/6/03 |
Henley-in-Arden 31/1/04 |
Teddington 14/2/05 |
Bilston 28/6/05 |
Wythall 17/9/05 |
Teddington 2/3/06 |
Brighton 22/6/06 |
Wythall 16/9/06 |
Teddington 2/12/06 |
Wythall 22/9/07 |
Bilston 29/5/08 |
Wythall 20/9/08 |
Bilston 20/5/09 |
40 Years On |
Wythall 19/9/09 |
Bilston 10/11/10 |
Bilston 24/11/11 |
Bilston 18/11/12 |
Bilston 27/4/16 |
Bilston 22/3/17 |
Witchwood chat group |
Strawbsweb |
Witchwood Records |
Acoustic Strawbs |
Family tree |
Alison Brown's site |
John Ford |
Brian Willoughby |
Rick Wakeman |
Oliver Wakeman |
John Hawken |
Blue Weaver |
BW&CC Solihull 7/3/03 |
BW&CC Shepperton 6/5/06 |
BW&CC Winchcombe 24/3/17 |
DC&Conny Conrad 31/7/05
Dave Cousins & Rick Wakeman |
John Ford |
Blue Angel lineup |
Cry No More |
Heartbreak Hill lineup |
Zeus |
Dave Cousins & Ian Cutler
Dave Cousins & Ian Cutler
Proceedings opened with a duet between Dave Cousins and violinist Ian Cutler. Ian is also
part of the Blue Angel Orchestra, which is one of Dave's spinoff bands.
Next were
a new acoustic band Dave Lambert has formed.
Graeme Taylor has played in many bands including Gryphon and the Rolf Harris Band.
Dave Lambert. |
Violinist Tom Leary was also in Feast of Fiddles and Little Johnny England.
Jon Davie was also in Gryphon as well as having played with John Williams and John Etheridge. |
Strawbs (Heartbreak Hill lineup)
This was the first time the lineup that recorded
Heartbreak Hill
had ever played live, as Strawbs had split up shortly after recording
that album, with Dave Cousins starting off on his radio producer career.
Guitarist Jo Partridge has also worked with many top bands of the 70s and 80s. |
Tony Fernandez joined Strawbs before they recorded
and has worked with Rick Wakeman for the last 34 years.
Andy Richards took over the keyboards after
and has played with many well-known artists since.
Chas, by then, was the only other remaining member from the
Hero & Heroine
Cry No More
Cry No More
grew out of the coming-together of Chas and Roy Hill.
Roy had supported the Strawbs 1978
Strawbs (Blue Angel lineup)
Fast forward a couple of decades or so, and we come to the lineup from
Blue Angel.
Dave Cousins singing and playing the dulcimer on
Great to see Blue Weaver playing with the band again. He brought with him
not just one Mellotron, but two! Great to hear these vintage instruments
in action again.
Cathryn Craig is a fabulous singer and it was great to see her in a Strawbs lineup.
Chas joins the chorus.
It's not so often you see Brian Willoughby playing an electric guitar these days.
I'd forgotten how good he is!
John Ford
Next up was John Ford, specially flown in from the USA.
Fantastic to see him given a decent-length slot -
it was a real delight to hear
songs such as
Floating in the Wind
The "Part of the Union 2009" lineup delivered
a rousing finale to his set as
Tony, Cathryn and Blue, who of course played on the original, joined in.
Dave Cousins & Rick Wakeman
Rick Wakeman's return to the Strawbs fold for a duet with Dave Cousins made a wonderful climax to the evening.
Great also to see and hear a real grand piano in action - how often do you get that nowadays?
I'd never seen Rick live before, I was totally blown away.
A fabulous end to a great day's music!
Dave Cousins & Rick Wakeman |
John Ford |
Blue Angel lineup |
Cry No More |
Heartbreak Hill lineup |
Zeus |
Dave Cousins & Ian Cutler
Strawbs index |
Chiswick 29/8/98 |
Banbury 28/5/99 |
Exeter 20/4/01 |
Derby 8/2/02 |
Wythall 14/6/03 |
Henley-in-Arden 31/1/04 |
Teddington 14/2/05 |
Bilston 28/6/05 |
Wythall 17/9/05 |
Teddington 2/3/06 |
Brighton 22/6/06 |
Wythall 16/9/06 |
Teddington 2/12/06 |
Wythall 22/9/07 |
Bilston 29/5/08 |
Wythall 20/9/08 |
Bilston 20/5/09 |
40 Years On |
Wythall 19/9/09 |
Bilston 10/11/10 |
Bilston 24/11/11 |
Bilston 18/11/12 |
Bilston 27/4/16 |
Bilston 22/3/17 |
Witchwood chat group |
Strawbsweb |
Witchwood Records |
Acoustic Strawbs |
Family tree |
Alison Brown's site |
John Ford |
Brian Willoughby |
Rick Wakeman |
Oliver Wakeman |
John Hawken |
Blue Weaver |
BW&CC Solihull 7/3/03 |
BW&CC Shepperton 6/5/06 |
BW&CC Winchcombe 24/3/17 |
DC&Conny Conrad 31/7/05